Tuesday, June 23, 2015

test of june 23rd

This is a test on june 23 for this site!

Friday, May 03, 2013

مطروح     ويوم إللٌي شفتهم نزفو إهــواي   إب   كَمت إنطيت دم واحلبت

Note: this post has the text we are looking for and it should match
إتروح  كنت آمر وأنهي وصاحب الراييوم أييـــدي طويله وجيلتي إتلوح  أريــد أبجي إعله صدرك مشتهي النوح    وأريد أكَعد إكَبــالك وأحسب إجروح      أريد أركي أعله صدرك راس تعبــان       وأسولف عن عذابي وغربة الروح        جاي أنزع إبجـَفٌك سهم الأصحاب      تبروا من طحت عافوني مطروح   سحكَوا فوكَ راسي وجرهم الخوفونزلو للوحَلْ من عالي السطوح  ويوم إلليٌ شفتهم وكَعو إبٌيـــر   نزلت وساعدتهم وآنـــه

Note: this post has also the hamza maksoora but as a substring of a whole string, it also should not match.

قصيدة للشاعر المبدع كاظم اسماعيل كاطع (اريد ابجي)
أريد أبجي إعله صدرك مشتهي النوح  و أريـد أكَعد إكَبـالك وأحسب إجروح     ومثل الطير من يودٌع الروح      جاي أركَص إبابك ركَص مذبوح !!       إهي كسرة عظم ماتجبــَر بيوم !!       ولا دورة سنه وآثارها تروح      كِسروا واهسي وخلوٌنــي مالوم    وخايف عله عيوني بالبجي

Note: this post has the hamza in the thrid line but it is hamza maftoo7a, should not match the search we are looking for.

Monday, April 15, 2013

this is another test
test is a test!

Monday, December 10, 2012

monday test

Friday, December 07, 2012

friday night post

Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Thursday, November 29, 2012



his is good


















Wednesday, November 28, 2012

this is a test

this is a test

this is a test



this is a nother bpost

this is a test

wed post

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

anther post



this is a test!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

this is news!







this is another test dr Pepper



one more

this is another one

test 21 nov

do not expect any pings from here

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

this is my test

one more test

another test

tuesday nov another post

tuesday nov 20

deep sadness

Friday, November 16, 2012

first friday post

this is my first friday post

Thursday, November 15, 2012

test two

thursday second test

test two

Thursday second test

test two

thursday second test


thursday post 1st

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

post 5th

this is my 5th post today

wednesday 4

post number 4 for wednesday

Wednesday 3

third test

Wednesday 2

second post for today!!!!

my wednesday test

this is a test for wednesday

Thursday, November 01, 2012

this is a test


back to test push

I am back to test some new functionality about push

Friday, February 10, 2012


my contract is with at&t


I have my contract with AT&T

Friday, March 25, 2011


this is a keyword test ttooppooo999


this is a test to my blog for site id 54180747

Monday, February 21, 2011


first test in 2011

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

test on the wild


this is my newest of the all!

this is just another teststttttt

motes in the botez

motes in the botez

another test

this is another freakin test

1 more test

this is a test for the biiiingggg

test my craziness

this is a test for ping unsub

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


this is a testaa for you

test on june 22

this is atest on june 22

Monday, June 21, 2010

this is my fine post

please send pings

thirdy post

this is my favorrrr

test for ping3

this is another test


Hello, and welcome to Google AdWords. We're excited to have you on board! There's just a few details we need from you to set up your account.

To begin creating your AdWords account, choose the user name and password you'd like to use with AdWords.

ping stopped working

this is a test of ping

quicky 34

this is my frrrriiiiist post


this is another test





test for ping


Thursday, June 17, 2010


this is a quicky

this is my fake post!

this is my fake post! to see how this will work when our ping receiver returns 404.

test12 ping proken

we broke the ping receiver in purpose for testing


this is my test11


this is my test10


this is my test9


this is test 8


this is test 7


this is test6




this is test 4






this is just a test for 6/17/2010

test for ping

this is just a test for pings!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

to get1

to get1

to miss3

to miss3

to miss2

to miss2

to miss1

to miss1

test me you freaking puSH

test for offline phase 1 push

you should get that one though

got it?

another post to miss

you just missed this one too!

test to miss

you should miss this post

get me back to testing

back to testing the freakin app!

Thursday, April 08, 2010


There are few sounds in this world more satisfying than the sound of a ping pong ball landing in a Solo cup.

Beirut or Beer Pong, as it known for short, requires minute precision and impeccable hand-eye coordination.

It also requires teamwork (it's a two-on-two game and you need both people to pull their weight to accomplish the sought-after "sendback"), strategy (the question of "to bounce, or not to bounce") and an unyielding commitment to excellence, many of the virtues espoused at Michigan State University.


Choose from the following mounts:

Garden Mount: 60 inches long- pushes into the ground
Roof Mount: 15 inches long- conforms to roof pitch
Post Mount: 15 inches long- attaches to any vertical surface with a 3 x 3 inch mount plate
Deck Mount: 15 inches long- attaches to any horizontal surface with a 3 x 3 inch mounting plate

test 1

In light of recent events giving online hookups a bad name, I've been thinking.
Is it unethical to harness the crazy the internet has to offer by purposely seeking out the psychos? I'm not talking scary psychos, though for a girl looking for a guy, the line is much finer than a m4w, I'd say. So this is more conjecture and less an actual plan on my part. I just can't help thinking it's a shame the power of these crazies won't be able to make me laugh as much as i deserve.

I recently signed up for OkCupid, though immediately realized I have no place there, and don't want to meet anyone. I have plenty of good friends and am not looking for a boyfriend. I don't even like people I don't already know, so I pretty much ignore it. But i do check in every once in a while for curiosity's sake. A few days ago i received a note from someone calling himself Pete1. Here goes (prepare gag reflex):

As I Pluck you down from your tree out of my reach 12
I would savor your flavor just like a ripe peach. 12
Want to walk hand in hand with you across the beach. 12
So many lessons in love I'd like you to teach. 12

You say that you were working so hard at your school, 12
As I wipe off my chin overflowing with drool, 12
Your pictures responsible; this nat'(u)ral event, 12
Know all of this is true; that what I said I meant. 12

What I said was genuine, I wipe off the glob 12
Because it is my heart that you've have managed to rob. 12
Remain convinced that you're act-u-lee a burglar, 12
Still really want to take you out for a burger. 12

I know there is more to you than read-uh-lee seen, 12
As my waking thoughts are plagued with you in my dreams12
It is for only you that this here song is sung, 12
I really want to massage; your lips with my tounge. 12

Out of my mouth; with all of the things that I had said, 12
This insane balding man; who is out of his head. 12
Hope I kept your int-rest with this here little poem, 12
And within your eyes fine-a-lee find a new home. 12

Uh. User blocked, obv. But I just went back to the email message because I couldn't help wanting to get to the end of the poem. In order to do that I had to go onto his profile and unblock him.

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

I don't even know of a single Meijer's in Kansas but somehow they charge tax to my zip code.
Dave Winer deserves the credit for coming up with the idea long before anyone else. In fact, the element was added to the RSS 2.0 specification in 2001, but has only recently been revived (largely in response to the interest in PuSH). rssCloud made major progress this week with the announcement that WordPress was adding rssCloud support for all 7.5 million blogs on WordPress.com. In contrast, PuSH is currently enabled for well over 100 million feeds with adopters including Friendfeed, Blogger, Google Reader, LiveJournal, Google Alerts and FeedBurner. I expect to see many more services adopt these new protocols soon.
New York Times reported a story on Monday of Chinese hackers who pilfered sensitive security information from various classified documents from India. The extent of hacking was vast as it covered the security documents of defense, Indian security and diplomatic establishments. The report was titled ‘Shadows in the Cloud’ and has US and Canadians researchers who tracked this cyber espionage which seemed to operate out of China’s Sichuan province.

The data that was hacked across computers in India and Indian mission abroad also included sensitive data regarding the Maoist and Naxalite movement in the country, India’s ties with Russia and Middle East and information on Indian missile systems. The hackers also got hold of Dali Lama’s
New York Times reported a story on Monday of Chinese hackers who pilfered sensitive security information from various classified documents from India. The extent of hacking was vast as it covered the security documents of defense, Indian security and diplomatic establishments. The report was titled ‘Shadows in the Cloud’ and has US and Canadians researchers who tracked this cyber espionage which seemed to operate out of China’s Sichuan province.

The data that was hacked across computers in India and Indian mission abroad also included sensitive data regarding the Maoist and Naxalite movement in the country, India’s ties with Russia and Middle East and information on Indian missile systems. The hackers also got hold of Dali Lama’s

Monday, March 29, 2010

this is a test,
hi friend on real time web
this is a test by ty for the realtime web stuff
another test
this is a test on production

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

this is tamer test

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

a third test
another test
this is a test for the world

Thursday, March 11, 2010

another test
i love the pn50c450

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

my hub test

Monday, March 01, 2010

this is a test
hello 2010

Friday, July 17, 2009

Visual Studio 2010 Code Font

so you upgraded from VS2005 or VS2008 to VS 2010 and you do not like the code view, meaning the font for the code in the new version looks weired and not clear?
a simple change to the options will set the font to the same font you used to see in previous versions of vs.net

basically the new visual studio 2010 uses the font called "Consolas", while the older version 2008 used the font, "Courier New", simply in visual studio .net 2010, go to Tool --> Options --> Environment --> Fonts and Colors and then on the right hand side change the font from "Consolas" to "Courier New".
screen shot is below:

you can see some Ron's code here!

Friday, March 20, 2009

The Right Way to Upload a file using FtpWebRequest class

There are always a bad way to do things and a good way to do it, I was reminded with that today after fighting with issues related to FtpWebRequest class !

I want to focus my article today about the how to specifically call the "GetRequestStream" method of the "FTPWebRequest" class. If you are not aware of the usage of this method, basically you use it to start writing to a buffer stream to upload a file from a source to a destination server. The following is the BAD DO NOT ATTEMP way of calling this method: I have highlighted the bad code in red below:

//Create a FTP Request Object and Specfiy a Complete Path
FtpWebRequest reqObj = (FtpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(_completeFTPPath);
//Call A FileUpload Method of FTP Request Object
reqObj.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.UploadFile;
//do not keep the connection after uploading the file
reqObj.KeepAlive = false;
//If you want to access Resourse Protected You need to give User Name and PWD
reqObj.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("username here", "password here");
//FileStream object read file from Local Drive
byte[] buffer = File.ReadAllBytes(_localUploadFullPath);
reqObj.Proxy = null;
reqObj.GetRequestStream().Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
reqObj = null;

why this is bad: couple of things:
1- it cause the uploaded file to "keep writing" into the stream without finishing file upload!
2- on the receiving end, the inetinfo.exe "locks" the file and you cannot do anything with the file (which is not complete anyway) until you either kill inetinfo.exe or let it release the file after few minutes.

Below is the right way to do it:
Stream s = reqObj.GetRequestStream();
s.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

so we created a stream object that we can really control, once you get the stream back, you can write to it, and then call the close method to release the resources associated with ftp.

this is it, it's a small trick but it save you a lot on debugging and falling into a big trab.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

SSIS: Using a Connection from the Connection Manager in your Script Task is Tricky!

In a SSIS package I created couple of days ago, I was trying to minimize the number of connection strings / objects in the package so that I can have less "values to configure" in the SSIS package config files.
In the package, I had a single OLEDB connection in the connection managers window, and I did the infamous access of the connection inside the scipt task hoping I can reuse, the error I got was:

"Unable to cast COM object of type 'System.__ComObject' to class type 'System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection'."

so I did some search and found this thread from technet

read the last post:
"Correct, if you want to use the connection object in a script, it must be ADO.NET, not OLE-DB, so that means two for you. The alternative is what the other posted attempted, using the connection string from an OLE-DB connection, to initialise a .NET connection object, but with the limitation of no password. if you use only integrated security it is a poissible solution."

So, I belive integration of connections between the package and the child scipt task still needs some work on the microsoft side. because now you have to either create two connections, one of type OLEDB and one of type ADO.Net, which will cause two config values in the ssis config file.
Or do it like what I did:
I created a package variable to hold the connection string and then I create my own object in the script task from this connection string, not that straightforward but the best I can do now.

happy ssis programming!

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Sharing libraries between Existing Projects and SSIS.

Hi all ! I have been playing with SSIS for the last few weeks. The package I was building was sophisticated and I had to reuse some of the code that I had in other .net library projects.

In SSIS Script Task, to reference an external library, you need to add the library to the GAC so it can find the binary at runtime. If you go that route, you will have to add a strong key to the existing library, right? will that's what I did, and it did not take me that long to figure out that created problems for me ! here is a simple example:

1- .net Projects 1 references Library Lib1, no strong keys, and dll of Lib1 is moved along with Project 1 when I do a complie.

2- SSIS needs to reference the library. So I add strong key to Lib1, recompile, and add to GAC.

3- now SSIS is happy.

4- Project 1 now does not have a copy of the DLL, visual studio automatically does not include Lib1 in Builds because you are not supposed to call it this way now, you need to move how you call Lib1 to the GAC way.

5- once Lib1 added to the GAK, and once you add a reference to the GAC assemply in the app.config, Project 1 will work again.

The question is, what if you do not have just one Project 1? what if you have 10 projects that reference Lib1, are you going to change all of them because of SSIS, hell no, I will not personally do that! ,,,

Easiest route is to find a way to directly use the code from Lib1 in SSIS script task, in my case Lib1 code was available so it was easy copy couple of .cs classes to the Script Task in the SSIS package, and Boom, I immediatly removed the reference to Lib1 from SSIS, and lived my life without strong keys / GAC stuff...

if you have a different way of doing it, let's know!!

Monday, March 02, 2009

Issue when Adding a reference to BIDS 2008

I was working today on a SSIS project using Business Intelligence Development Studio 2008 and I created a script task with vb.net as the default language. Then add some code and references to .net dlls.
Close the task, did something in the package, then I went back to the Script task and things disappeared, so I was upset for a moment there because of lost code. So I tried to add the reference again to my dll and it gave the message:

"no template information found. See the application log in Event Viewer for more details".

opened event viewer and found the following error in the application log:

The global template information is out of date. Regenerate the templates by running 'VSTA.exe /installvstemplates' or reinstalling the application.

I tried both:
1- ran VSTA.exe /installvstemplates and devenv.exe /installvstemplates: did not solve the issue
2- un/re installed VS.net 2008, did not do it either.

so I thought I may try to drop in a Script Task that is in a diff language, so I tried C# and adding reference in the VSA worked great ! so somthing looks corrupt on my side now with vb.net inside VSA. will tackle this issue later but at least I can get back to development to recover lost hours :)..

have a good working day!!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Easitest way to add a .net assemply to the GAC (Global Assembly Cache)
sometimes you run into issues when trying to add a .net assemply to the GAC, especially when there are so many command options for the gacutil command.

You need the assemply to be strongly type, you use the "sn" command for that (from the dot net sdk command prompt).

To create a strong name key in visual studio, Open up the project in vs.net, and click on the project properties, go to the Signing Tab (6th at the bottom), and check the check box called "Sign the assemply", then choose "New" from the drop down. this will create a strong name key and also assign it to the assemply, now recompile the project, and then open windows explorer where the assemply is located, copy the location of the assemply, and then open a vs sdk command prompt, type in:

gacutil -i yourDLLName.dll

and you are set !!

happy programming!

Friday, August 29, 2008

It's pretty amazing the features of Ubiquity
the new blug in for firefox 3.0, inerting maps and finding information based on language could save lots of time for users around the world. I wonder if the timing for releasing such feature was planned ahead by Creators of Mozilla to beat the new IE8 which is available for download in beta 1 at the moment. I think Mozzila is now few steps ahead passed IE!

nc work mozzila!

Monday, February 19, 2007

Restore mdf file without ldf in SQL Server 2005

We had some disk space issues on one of the drives and the reason was because one sql log file had 611 GB of disk space used, so I stopped the service and deleted the file hopeing that creating a similar database with the same name can generate an empty log file that I can use, but this was a mistake, so I searched around for a solution and most of the articles out there was kind of outdated, it mentiones solutions that are not supported anymore by sql server 2005, like changing system tables which is not supported anymore, so here is the solution:

--move the mdf file to a temporary directory, and create a new database with the same name, point it to use an existing mdf file

Create database on (FileName='W:\SQLServerData\temp\yourdatabasefilename.mdf')
for attach_rebuild_log

and this did the trick for me, the output was little weired:

File activation failure. The physical file name "W:\SQLServerData\myoldLogFile.ldf" may be incorrect.

New log file 'W:\SQLServerData\temp\newLogFile_log.LDF' was created.

And because you probably did this operation using a temporary location, you need to move the files, you can restart sql server service, detach the database, and move the files whereever you want, and then attach from the new location

it works!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Tip : SP1 solves Visual Studio 2005 Performance Issues!

I experienced some performance issues with visual studio 2005 yesterday, it started with taking long time to save a file, I thought that I have changed something, or added add-on that caused this to happen, also it took longer time to open the IDE, although I have a dual core with 3 G of memoory...

but thanks god, I downloaded sp1 from http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=BB4A75AB-E2D4-4C96-B39D-37BAF6B5B1DC&displaylang=en , it took some time to install but it the problem has gone immediatly !

Friday, January 12, 2007

Regex hangs with complicated expressions or long string inputs, the Solution

After some struggles and wondering why my application hangs sometimes without throwing any exceptions or errors in event log entries, I was able to find out that the Regex in .Net was the issue.
so I started investigating and there are some nice handy solutions online but it's little sophsiticated and coupled specifically with regular expressions, while if you use the ThreadPool class, it's much easier to control threads and start asynchronous processes and wait for it a for a certain amount of time until it either finishes or the time is up.

here is all what you need (vb.net 2.0 .net framework)!

Imports System.Threading
'you create a threadnotify object to monitor the asynchronous process
Dim ThreadNotify As AutoResetEvent = New AutoResetEvent(False)
'start the process
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(New WaitCallback(AddressOf StartMyAsyncProcess), ThreadNotify)
'wait 1.5 seconds , if the time is over, the thread will halt itself and this program will resume.
ThreadNotify.WaitOne(1500, True)
end sub
'the asynch process
Private Sub StartMyAsyncProcess(ByVal state As Object)
in_string = Regex.Replace(in_string, "\s*\r\n\s*", vbNewLine)
End Sub

Friday, November 17, 2006

Multiple Series Graphs
so far I have tried 2 technologies for adding graphs to my .net sites, I used the dotnetcharting component http://dotnetcharting.com/ and I also used the fusion flash component http://www.infosoftglobal.com/FusionCharts/ , they are both great, but when it comes to having multiple series, here comes the challenge !
the graphs XAxis points must be defined regardless of the different series added to the graph, in the first technology, the dotnetcharting component, it takes the first series data and it uses it as the base for the XSeries points. For the second technology, the fusion charts, it takes a XML element that defines the points on the XAxis.

It's very difficult if the values of XAxis among different serieses are not similar, and you have to add your own logic to handle it. so you start first by having a unique set of all points for the XAxis for all serieses, and then you order it. For example, lets assume that you have series1 and series 2,

series1 has the values for XAxis: Jan,Feb,March
series2 has the values for XAxis: March,Feb,April

so you will first need to define the unique elements: Jan,Feb,March,Apr. then you will need to order it. and also you might want to fill in the gaps for missing xaxis values, like in series2, it does not have the "Jan" values, so you will need to add it, and you will set it's value to 0.

It's not straight forward, but it's doable, hopefully I was able to make things more clear...